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I have some more information on this:
First off it doesn't matter what doctype you use, HTML or XHTML. Also it is not the WorkWeekSettings that control this functionality but rather the SelectedDate property of the ViewSettings.
When I look at the R2 samples I see the proper functionality that I am looking for when I run the FirstExperience or the XHTML_Day pages. If I change the SelectedDate time value to 10:00:00 then when I go into Day or Week view the top will be at 10AM.
Great...BUT, if you change the SelectedViewMode property in ViewSettings from Day to Month then the above functionality doesn't work, the Day View will NOT scroll down to the time in the SelectedDate property. You can see this by opening up the FirstExperience.aspx page and without changing anything view in Browser notice that the top of the Day View is 8AM. Now change the SelectedViewMode to Month and view the page. Click on the Day View and notice the top of the view is now Midnight. The same happens when viewing the XHMTL_Day.aspx page.
Looks like a bug to me...
Hi Handy,
I have used both the HTML and XHTML doctype (I thought R2 allowed all controls to use the XHTML doctype now) and I get the same, the Day View does not scroll to put the Start Time at the top. Here is the code I am using to setup the calendar.
<ISWebScheduler:WebScheduler ID="WebScheduler1" runat="server" CategoriesDataMember="REF_CALENDAR_CATEGORY" DataSourceID="ISDataSource1" EditingUrl="EditingForm.aspx" EnableAnimation="False" EnableContextMenu="True" EventsDataMember="MC_CALENDAR" Height="600px" RecurrenceDataMember="REF_CALENDAR_RECURRENCE" RecurringEventsDataMember="MC_CALENDAR_REVENT" ResourcesDataMember="REF_CALENDAR_RESOURCES" Width="98%" IncludeSplitViewInMenu="True" EnableExport="True" EnableMultipleCellSelection="True" > <CalendarSettings AllowCollapse="True" /> <DefaultResource ResourceColor="#D96666" ResourceName="Default"> </DefaultResource> <ViewSettings SelectedViewMode="Month" SelectedTimelineViewMode="Week" SelectedDate="2009-08-25"> <QuarterView Enabled="True" /> <TimelineView ZoomInLevel="DayHourly" /> <MonthView TimeBasedEventDisplay="ShowSubject" /> </ViewSettings> <WorkWeekSettings StartTime="t0800" EndTime="t1600" /> <TextSettings ShowFullWeekText="full week" ShowWorkWeekText="work week"> </TextSettings> <DataBinding> <ResourcesBinding DescriptionField="RESOURCE_DESC" LocationField="RESOURCE_LOC" ResourceColorField="RESOURCE_COLOR" ResourceIDField="RESOURCE_ID" ResourceNameField="RESOURCE_NAME" /> <EventsBinding AllDayEventField="CALENDAR_ALLDAY" CategoryIDField="CATEGORY_ID" DescriptionField="CALENDAR_DESC" EndTimeField="CALENDAR_END" EventIDField="CALENDAR_ID" LocationField="CALENDAR_LOC" ModeField="CALENDAR_MODE" ReminderTimeSpanField="CALENDAR_REMINDER" ResourceIDField="RESOURCE_ID" StartTimeField="CALENDAR_START" SubjectField="CALENDAR_SUBJECT" /> <RecurringEventsBinding AllDayEventField="REVENT_ALLDAY" CategoryIDField="CATEGORY_ID" DescriptionField="REVENT_DESC" EndTimeField="REVENT_END" EventIDField="REVENT_ID" ExceptionDateField="REVENT_EXCEPTION" ExceptionInfoField="REVENT_EXCEPTION_INFO" LocationField="REVENT_LOC" ModeField="REVENT_MODE" ParentIDField="PARENT_ID" RecurrenceIDField="RECURRENCE_ID" ReminderTimeSpanField="REVENT_REMINDER" ResourceIDField="RESOURCE_ID" StartTimeField="REVENT_START" SubjectField="REVENT_SUBJECT" /> <RecurrenceBinding EndDateField="RECURRENCE_END" ModeField="RECURRENCE_MODE" NDayField="RECURRENCE_NDAY" NMonthField="RECURRENCE_NMONTH" NWeekField="RECURRENCE_NWEEK" NYearField="RECURRENCE_NYEAR" RangeModeField="RECURRENCE_RANGEMODE" RecurrenceIDField="RECURRENCE_ID" StartDateField="RECURRENCE_START" TotalRecurrencesField="RECURRENCE_TOTAL" WeekDaysField="RECURRENCE_WEEKDAYS" /> <CategoryBinding CategoryColorField="CATEGORY_COLOR" CategoryIDField="CATEGORY_ID" CategoryNameField="CATEGORY_NAME" DescriptionField="CATEGORY_DESC" /> </DataBinding> <EditingField> <ISWebScheduler:WebSchedulerEditingField Name="Subject" Text="Subject" /> <ISWebScheduler:WebSchedulerEditingField Name="Location" Text="Location" Type="Location" /> <ISWebScheduler:WebSchedulerEditingField Name="Description" Text="Description" Type="Description" /> </EditingField> </ISWebScheduler:WebScheduler>
That's what I thought those properties would do, but if my calendar it doesn't? I use:
<WorkWeekSettings StartTime="t0800" EndTime="t1600" />
But when DayView is shown, the top of the view is still 0000. I still need to scroll down to see the start time.
I am using the latest Calendar V3 control (but it was updated from V2).
Thanks Glenn, I did notice the 2 lines, but would be nice if we could get more customization to the reports. Maybe you guys work out a deal with The ActiveReport folks for more design time customizations.
Yeah that is the problem, I can copy the DataTable but any changes also appear in the bound grid as the DataTable is copied by Reference.
As I said in my "More Export Problems" thread, it appears the problem is related to the use of a ColumnTemplate. Support said it was a known issue being worked on.
If you take the sample "ProgrammaticServerSideExport" and convert a column to a Template, using a hYperlink and image within the Template you should see a problem.
I have written my own export function now so am not using the built export funcitonality at this point.
I trying out the code above to add another header to a PDF output and am having some problems. I am using VB so I converted the code above to:
Protected Sub WebGrid1_PrepareExportExecute(ByVal sender A s Object, ByVal e As ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.PrepareExportExecuteEventArgs) Handles WebGrid1.PrepareExportExecute Dim report As ActiveReport3 = e.ReportObject Dim lblProject As DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label = New DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label() lblProject.Text = "Report Custom Header" lblProject.Alignment = DataDynamics.ActiveReports.TextAlignment.Center report.Sections("PageHeader").Controls.Add(lblProject) End Sub
The problem I am seeing is an design time error on the e.ReportObject. The error is shown in attach file: It essence it says I need a reference to the ISNet.ActiveReports.Exporting assembly. I have it referenced in my web.config. I also added Imports DataDynamics.ActiveReports in my code behind.
What else needs to be done for VB?
More information.
1. The text export seems to mess up if there are more than 50-60 records, possible overflow problem?
2. If you convert a column to a TemplatedColumn, the problems I am experiencing withthe ExporttGrid show up. I have modified your sample if you want to see it, but all you need to do is create a TemplateColumn and then in the InitializeRow event modify the template text.
I'll send a sample if you need one.
This is my last hope, if I can't get export to run then looks like I need to find a replacement.
Hi Glenn,
Ok that takes care of the problem with the Address filed, but now run the Sample called "Exporting". First don't touch anything and export to text. Look at Product ID 59 and notice that the end of the Product Name "ult" is on a seperate line. Now apply your code to it (note I am using the VB samples) to Product Name and run the page and export. Notice 59 is correct now but Product ID 34 and 70 are messed up. There are no comma's in this data. Now apply the above code to the only other string field "QuantityPerUnit", re run and export, and see other fields are messed up. This appears to only occur with Text. What other data maybe causing this?
In my Data, it appers to be Dates that are causing the problem.
Anything more on this? This is still happening with the SP1 Refresh.
What I did was to modify the webGrid sample ProgrammaticExportServerSide to use the GenericObject.CustomerDataAccess and created a new GetCustomer function to return a Data Table instead of a list collection. I then modify the Grid to use the same options that my project is using. So this sample now is a bare bones sample of what my project uses, except instead of using Oracle this sample uses Access. I tried to import the Customers table from Access to oracle, but was having trouble.
Now this bare bones sample, works. So it's not the code. So something else is interferring with the proper operation of the ExportGrid. I have no idea where to look and I can't reproduce it outside of my original project. So not sure where to go and what to say.
So I went another route, as this is taking more time than I have. What I am doing is using the ExportGrid method and instead of exporting to XML, I am exporting to a TEXT file and then I wrote a function to take this TEXT file and convert it to XML. That works...
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