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Hans Kristian Member
of 69
Posted: September 25, 2014 4:12 AM


Thank you for the reply.

Should you have further question, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you.

Hans K.


Based on your post, I tried to find the Intersoft WebGrid Samples that bind the WebGrid from code behind.

I tried to modify the WebGrid configuration in ‘BindtoTraditionalDataSource.aspx’ page. I use your WebGrid’s configuration in your post, but I didn’t use all server side event & client side event, due to I don’t know your code.
However, it also works fine on my end.

I attached the video regarding the result from the modified page.

Could you please help me to have review on the modified page? Please kindly try to run the modified sample on your end & please let me know the result.
Also please let me know if there is configuration that I missed on the modified page.
So we can found the work around / solution for this issue as soon as possible.
To run the page, you just simply add the modified to the WebGrid Samples Solution.

Thank you for your help.

Hans K.


Thank you for your question regarding Intersoft product.
I apologize for any inconvenience this problem may have caused you.

Basically, ISNet assembly v2.0 is not design for ASP.Net Framework v4.0.
I’m afraid that ISNet v2.0 has now been discontinued for several years and there are not going to be any further updates for it.
Intersoft has enhanced the ISNet for ASP.Net Framework v4.0 in ISNet v3.

To use ISNet in ASP.Net Framework v4.0, please kindly try to update the ISNet to the latest version.

Thank you for your understanding.

Hans K.


I have tried to make a WebFileUpload page (WebFileUploader_RoiUkasi.aspx) based on your WebFileUpload’s setting.
However, I didn’t use the server side & client side event due to I didn’t know your code.

I also have tried to run the page in Chrome (v37.0.2062.120 m) and Firefox (v32.0.2), but unfortunately it works fine on my end. The .xlsx file size & content between original file and uploaded file are the same.

Please kindly have review on the attached sample and please let me know if there are configurations that I missed in the attached sample.

Please kindly try to use the latest WebTextEditor & Intersoft Framework (ISNet.dll) assembly version.
My current WebTextEditor assembly version is 2.0.1000.5 & Intersoft Framework (ISNet.dll) assembly version is 3.0.5000.912.

Thank you for your help.

Hans K.


It’s good to know that the ‘RenderingMode’ property have resolved the extra column rendering issue.

Like in Yudi's reply in another thread:

Regarding ‘Custom Aggregate with ClientBinding’ issue, we have forwarded the issue to the developer team, under Work Item [ASPNET-127].

The hotfix for the reported problem in this thread will be available in September hotfix which will be available in the last week of this month.

Hans K.
Posted: September 18, 2014 4:45 AM

It seems, this case occurs due to you set the ‘AutoFitColumns’ property to ‘True’.

This property is indicating whether all displayed columns's width should be fitted to grid.

You could find this property under <LayoutSettings> tag.

Hope this helps.

Hans K.


If you want to bind the WebGrid programmatically, you should initialize your databinding in ‘OnInitializeDataSource’ server side event.

I attached the example WebGrid page that use ‘InitializeDataSource’ event.
In this page, the WebGrid was bind to access data source (Northwind.mdb database & Shippers table)
Please kindly have review on the page to see the result.

Hope this helps.

Hans K.

Posted: September 18, 2014 2:07 AM


I apologize for any inconvenience this problem may have caused you.

There is a minor glitch in Item Template for Intersoft Entity Data Model.
The developer team has been provide me the quick fix to resolve this problem.

I have attached the new Item Template for this issue.
Please kindly try to replace your current Item Template with the new one.
You can find the Item Template in this physical path below:
C:\Users\[User Name]\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Templates\ItemTemplates\Visual C#\Data\"

Hope this helps.

Hans K.


I got news from the developer team regarding this scenario.

The developer team has provided the feature to get / download the PDF file from local machine.
I will try to show you the (example) step by step to implement / use this new feature.
In this example, I will try to modify the Reporting Samples for Android. You also can get the Reporting Samples from this link.

I have attached the Crosslight nightly build that contain this new feature.
Before we start to implement the feature, we should update the Crosslight assembly first.

After I update the Crosslight assembly, I prepare the PDF file that to be loaded.
I add the PDF file under ‘ReportingSamples.Android’ project, in ‘Resources -> raw’ folder.

The next step is I modified the content of ‘AppInitializer.cs’ file in ‘Infrastructure’ folder.
Here’s the line that I changed:

From:public void InitializeServices(IApplicationHost appHost){    ServiceProvider.AddService<IReportingService, ReportingService>();}

public void InitializeServices(IApplicationHost appHost)
    ServiceProvider.AddService<IReportingService, LocalReportingService>();

The last step is I added new file, named ‘LocalReportingService.cs’, under ‘Services’ folder.
Here’s the content of the ‘LocalReportingService.cs’:

public class LocalReportingService : ReportingService
    public override void ExecuteLoadReportAsync(IReportViewModel reportViewModel, Action<byte[]> onSuccess, Action<Exception> onFail = null)
        // You could create your own code to load the PDF file in this function
            Resources resources = Application.Context.Resources;
            // To get the PDF File
            Stream stream = resources.OpenRawResource(Resource.Raw.Example);

            byte[] bytes = GetBytes(stream);
        catch (Exception e)

    public static byte[] GetBytes(Stream input)
        byte[] buffer = new byte[16 * 1024];
        using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
            int read;
            while ((read = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
                ms.Write(buffer, 0, read);
            return ms.ToArray();

I attached the modified page as well.
Hope this helps.

NB: Please note that nightly build (pre-release version of hotfix) is not tested for regression. We hope you can collaborate and test it in your project.

Hans K.


I have forwarded this scenario to the developer team.
They will consider this as a feature request.

I will let you know about the update regarding this scenario.

Thank you very much.

Hans K.

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