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Hello,Thank you for the question regarding WebGrid.Here’s the example snippet code how to hide a row in WebGrid from server side:
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){ //Hide the 2nd row WebGrid1.RootTable.Rows[1].Visible = false; }
If you want to hide a row when WebGrid being loaded, you can use InitializeRow server side event.Here the example snippet code:
protected void WebGrid1_InitializeRow(object sender, ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.RowEventArgs e) { // Hide the 3rd row if (e.Row.KeyValue.ToString() == "3") e.Row.Visible = false; }
I attached the sample the use those code above. You could have review on the sample to see the result.I bind the WebGrid to access data source (Northwind.mdb database & Shippers table).You could download the sample from this link as well:,Hans K.
Hello,Perhaps you could use another JavaScript third party library, for example: ZeroClipboard.Then you could add customize context menu item to call your customize JavaScript function code.Here’s the example snippet code how to add customize context menu item:
function WebGrid1_OnRowContextMenu(controlId, rowType, rowElement, menuObject){ var WebGrid1 = ISGetObject(controlId); if (! { //To hide "Copy Row" item menuObject.Items.GetNamedItem("mnuCopyRow").Hide(); //To hide "Copy Table" item menuObject.Items.GetNamedItem("mnuCopyTable").Hide(); // Add new context item nemu var copyRowItem = new WebMenuItem(); copyRowItem.Text = "Copy Row Non-IE"; copyRowItem.OnClick = function () { copyRowNonIE() }; copyRowItem.Name = "mnuCopyRowNonIE"; menuObject.Items.InsertAt(copyRowItem, 0); // Add new context item nemu var copyTableItem = new WebMenuItem(); copyTableItem.Text = "Copy Table Non-IE"; copyTableItem.OnClick = function () { copyTableNonIE() }; copyTableItem.Name = "mnuCopyTableNonIE"; menuObject.Items.InsertAt(copyTableItem, 1); } return true; }
Hope this helps.Regards,Hans K.
Thank you for the attached file.I created a WebGrid page based on your WebGrid’s configuration. But I use access data source control (Northwind database¬ & Shippers table) and since I don’t use Telerik assembly, I didn’t add Telerik on the page.Unfortunately, the WebGrid rendered correctly (WebGrid_Height_Issue.png).Basically, I didn’t recommend you to use two different (more than one) third party control in the same page. This could cause a rendering issue (style issue) like this.I attached my WebGrid sample as well.Regards,Hans K.
Hello,I got the update from the developer team regarding this issue.Basically this error message occurs due to browser (non IE) limitation itself.You couldn’t do ‘Copy Row’ action in non-IE browser.I have a workaround that you might try. You could hide the “Copy Row” item if the browser isn’t Internet Explorer.You could add validation code in “OnRowContextMenu” client side event. Here’s the snippet example code how to hide the “Copy Rom” item:
function WebGrid1_OnRowContextMenu(controlId, rowType, rowElement, menuObject){ var WebGrid1 = ISGetObject(controlId); if (! { //To hide "Copy Row" item menuObject.Items.GetNamedItem("mnuCopyRow").Hide(); //To hide "Copy Table" item menuObject.Items.GetNamedItem("mnuCopyTable").Hide(); } return true; }
I’m sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you.Regards,Hans K.
Hello,I apologize for the inconvenience.Would you mind to provide me more detail information regarding this issue?Could you please help me to provide me your grid tab page’s configuration?So that I can help you to investigate the issue further more.Regards,Hans K.
Hello,Thank you for the question regarding WebDesktopManager.Please kindly ensure you use the correct HTML5 doctype declaration.
<!DOCTYPE html><html></html>
If you use HTM5 doctype, I suggest you to set the ‘RenderingMode’ property to ‘HTML5’ as well.However, the issue still persist, could you please help me to provide me your WebDesktopManager page’s configuration?So that I can help you to investigate the issue further more.I apologize for the inconvenience.Regards,Hans K.
Hello,Here’s the snippet example code how to get name of the double clicked column:
function WebGrid1_OnCellDblClick(controlId, tblName, rowIndex, cellIndex, cellEl){ var WebGrid1 = ISGetObject(controlId); alert(WebGrid1.RootTable.Columns[cellIndex - 1].Caption); return true; }
Hope this helps.Thank you.Regards,Hans K.
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