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Hans Kristian Member
of 69
Posted: July 2, 2014 11:42 PM


Thank you for the reply.

Based on your description, I try to have a review “FirstExperience.aspx” page from WebCombo Solution Samples.

In that page, there is a WebCombo (wcReportsTo WebCombo) that using Multiple Selection feature. Before I run the page, I set the “AllowNotInListText” property to “True”.

Unfortunately, the result is the tab key works fine on my end. I can focus to the next control.

I attached the video regarding the result on my end.
Please kindly have review on the video and please let me know your response.

Is there any information that I have to know, so that I can reproduce your issue on my end?

Thank you.

Hans K.

Posted: July 1, 2014 11:26 PM

Thank you for the question.

Please kindly try to set the “RenderingMode” property to “HTML5”, and then modify your webpage doctype to HTML5 doctype.

Here’s the example snippet code how to set the RenderingMode property and HTML5 doctype:
<!DOCTYPE html><html>
<head runat="server">
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
    <ISWebCombo:WebCombo ID="WebCombo1" runat="server" RenderingMode="HTML5">
</ISWebCombo:WebCombo>    </form>

Hope this help.

Hans K.


I’m glad to hear that you have resolved the get cell template value scenario.

Regarding your CalendarCombo issue, since this issue was different with the first one, please kindly create a new thread for this issue.

While creating the new thread, please kindly provide us more information regarding this CalendarCombo issue.
For example, what is your webpage DOCTYPE?
What is your WebGrid configuration? What is your current WebGrid assembly version?

And if possible, could you provide the simple working sample regarding this issue.

Thank you very much for your help.

Hans K.


Thank you for the reply.

If you want to get the checked row and get row object from the child table, you should modify the code.

I have a WebGrid page with hierarchical mode and checkbox column in child table.

Like in the WebGrid page in my prior post, there is an ASP.Net button control to get the checked row.
Here’s the snippet code to get the checked row in button click event:

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){
    ArrayList checkedRows = WebGrid1.RootTable.ChildTables.GetNamedItem("Orders").GetCheckedRows();
    string text = "Checked rows: " + checkedRows.Count + "\n\n";

    foreach (object keyValue in checkedRows)
        text += WebGrid1.RootTable.ChildTables.GetNamedItem("Orders").Rows.GetRowByKeyValue(keyValue.ToString()).Cells[3].Value.ToString() + "\n";

    TextBox1.Text = text;

To get the row object from child table, you should set the “RestoreExpandedChildRows” property, under “LayoutSettings” tag, to “True”.

Please kindly have review on the attached page to see result. To run the page, you could add the page to the WebGrid Solution Samples.

Hope this helps.

Hans K.

Posted: June 30, 2014 11:51 PM


Thank you for the question regarding Crosslight.

Basically, Crosslight has yet to provide cross platform styling feature.

However, you could customize your component style on each view level.
In iOS platform, it could be done in ViewController level; in Android platform, in Activity or Fragment level; in Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8, in Page level.

Yes, you also can customize your component style programmatically.
Crosslight developer team has provided the sample regarding this scenario.
You could check out the sample from this link below:

This snippet example code below is how to re-styling in ViewController in iOS platform.

You could customize your own style in InitializeView() event.

protected override void InitializeView(){

            var searchButton = new UIBarButtonItem(UIBarButtonSystemItem.Search);
            // handle searchButton's Clicked event, or assign a command to be called in ViewModel.

            // add a custom left button item to our view
            this.LeftButtonItem = searchButton;

            // customize the right button item which automatically open/close the drawer
            this.RightButtonItem = new UIBarButtonItem();
            this.RightButtonItem.Image = UIImage.FromBundle("UserList.png");

Hope this helps.

Hans K.

Posted: June 26, 2014 11:03 PM

Thank you for the reply.

Regarding WebDialogBox rendering issue, unfortunately the WebDialogBox rendered properly on my end (WebDialogBoxRender.png).
I use Internet Explorer 11 browser to render WebDialogBox.
Perhaps you could modify your CSS style that associated with WebDialogBox.

Regarding Designer in Visual Studio 2013 issue, there are a couple additional steps while upgrading assembly in GAC.
Please kindly follow this link bellow:

Hans K.
Posted: June 26, 2014 12:37 AM

Thank you very much for the working project.

It seems the reason why the WebDialog doesn’t work as a modal dialog is due to you set the “IntegratedToDesktopManager” property to “True”.

You shouldn’t set the “IntegratedToDesktopManager” property to “True”.
This configuration will erase ‘Modal’ function from WebDialogBox and will make WebDialogBox rendered as ‘Desktop Window’ (will have ‘Desktop Window’ behavior).

Please kindly try to set the “IntegratedToDesktopManager” property to “False”.

The following step is how I try to run your project:
1. Update the WebDesktop assembly files.
2. Open the “MpWebDesktop.sln” file in Visual Studio 2008.
3. I try to “View in Browser (Internet Explorer)” the “Login.aspx” page. Then login.
4. Double click on “Incidencias” icon.
5. Click on “Mostrar dialogo” button to show the WebDialogBox (DialogBox1).
6. I try to type on the textbox (TextBox1).

Is there any step that I have missed?

Thank you.

Hans K.


Perhaps you could you use “OnFilterContextMenu” client side event.
This event will be invoked when the column filter's context menu is about to be displayed.

Here’s the example snippet code how to define “OnFilterContextMenu” (JavaScript) function:

function WebGrid1_OnFilterContextMenu(controlId, col, menu, location){
    return true;

I attached a WebGrid page that using “OnFilterContextMenu” client side event as well.

Hans K.


Basically, WebGrid’s main purpose is data presenter. WebGrid doesn’t handle any input validation. You should create your own input validation code.
There are couple ways to validate or reduce input errors.

The first option you could use “Edit Type” method or use “Integration with WebInput”, like Yudi said in his prior post.

The second you could add validation code in WebGrid’s client side events.
For example, there is “OnEditKeyDown” client side event. This event will be invoked when keypress is detected during editing mode (edit control is in focus).
Or “OnKeyUp” client side event, this event will be invoked when keypress is detected during editing mode (edit control is in focus).
Or “OnExitEditMode”, this event will be invoked when edit mode is being ended.

You could found more about ClientSideEvent in WebGrid’s documentation.
You could choose the client side event and add the validation code that suitable with your current scenario.

Hans K.
Posted: June 25, 2014 3:22 AM

Thank you for the reply.

The following step is how I try to run your project.
1. I open the “MpWebDesktop.sln” file in Visual Studio 2013.
2. I insert the assembly file to then “Bin” folder.
3. I try to “View in Browser (Internet Explorer)” the “MainPage.aspx” page.

However I get this error message from Visual Studio and at the browser (ErrorMessage.png).

Is there any missing step while I am try to run the project?

Hans K.
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