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Hans Kristian Member
of 69
Posted: August 14, 2014 3:54 AM

I have replied your thread that similar with this thread.

Please let me know your response. Thank you.

Hans K.
Posted: August 14, 2014 3:36 AM

I apologize for any inconvenience this problem may have caused you.

Could you provide me your current WebTab’s configuration? So that I can help you to investigate this issue further more.
What is your current WebDesktop assembly version? Have you try to use the latest assembly version (4.0.7200.13)?
What is your current browser?

Thank you for your help.

Hans K.

I apologize for any inconvenience this problem may have caused you.

If you don’t mind, could you please provide me more information about your current WebGrid’s configuration?
So that I can investigate this issue further more.

Thank you for your help.

Hans K.
Posted: August 14, 2014 12:24 AM

I try to use “EventViews.length” in WebScheduler Samples, “FirstExperience.aspx”.
Unfortunately, it works fine on my end.

Since you create the new WebScheduler, please kindly ensure that you have inserted one or two events to the WebScheduler.

Thank you.

Hans K.
Posted: August 14, 2014 12:03 AM

It seems the issue occurs due to there is incorrect code while trying to passing parameter to the “Insert” function.

For example in “EventOrganizer.cs” page, in Line 64, I modify the code by deleting one parameter.
this.Insert(ResourceName, ResourceDescription, ResourceColor)

this.Insert(ResourceName, ResourceDescription)

After I modified the code, I got the similar error message (WebSheduler_OverloadMethod.png).
So please kindly, you have passed the correct parameter to the “Insert” function.

Thank you.

Hans K.
Posted: August 7, 2014 4:16 AM


I created a JavaScript to get the first event object and the length of all events.
Here’s the code:

function btnonclick() {    var WebScheduler1 = ISGetObject("WebScheduler1");
    alert("All Event Length: " + WebScheduler1.EventViews.length);
    alert("Event Type: " + WebScheduler1.EventViews[0].MasterObject._Type + "; Event Subject: " + WebScheduler1.EventViews[0].MasterObject.Subject + "; Event Location: " + WebScheduler1.EventViews[0].MasterObject.Location);

Then I add this JavaScript to FirstExperience.aspx page in WebScheduler Samples Solution.
The result is the code works fine.

Please kindly have review on the attached file to see the result.

Hans K.

Posted: August 7, 2014 12:50 AM

It seems the issue occurs due to there is incorrect code while trying to passing parameter to the “Insert” function.

For example in “EventOrganizer.cs” page, in Line 64, I modify the code by deleting one parameter.
this.Insert(ResourceName, ResourceDescription, ResourceColor)

this.Insert(ResourceName, ResourceDescription)

After I modified the code, I got the similar error message (WebSheduler_OverloadMethod.png). So please kindly, you have passed the correct parameter to the “Insert” function.

NB: Since this issue has a different topic from the main topic “Change Color”, please kindly re-create the new thread/post to discuss regarding this issue.

Thank you.

Hans K.
Posted: August 7, 2014 12:01 AM


I try to run a page from WebGrid Samples Solution, “EditorTypes.aspx” page.
But unfortunately, the CalendorCombo works fine on my end (WebGrid_CalendarCombo_Transparent.png).

I run the sample in Internet Explorer 11.
My current WebGrid v8.0.7200.259 & ISNet v3.0.5000.912

Could you please provide me information regarding this issue?
How is your WebGrid confinguration?
What is your current assembly version?

Thank you.

Hans K.


I am sorry for the inconvenience.

Currently, WebGrid only support export feature to Excel with .xls format only.

Regarding “split to a separate row upon export” issue, perhaps you could set the “UseCellMergingForExcelReport” property to “true”, in “OnExport” server side event.

Here’s the example snippet code how to set the “UseCellMergingForExcelReport” property:
protected void WebGrid1_Export(object sender, ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.ExportEventArgs e){
    e.ReportInfo.UseCellMergingForExcelReport = true;

Hans K.

Posted: August 5, 2014 11:47 PM

Intersoft has provided sample about how to change data source based on selected table name from the DropDownList.

You could find the sample in WebGrid Tutorials Solution, under V3.1 folder, ChangeDS.aspx page.
(start > All Programs > Intersoft WebUI Studio 2014 R1 > WebUI Studio for ASP.NET > WebGrid 8 > C# Tutorials. The physical location of the file is: "%ProgramFiles%\Intersoft Solutions\Intersoft WebUI Studio 2014 R1\Tutorials\cs\WebGrid\V3.1\ChangeDS.aspx".)

Hope this helps.

Hans K.
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