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Glenn Layaar Support
of 99
Posted: March 11, 2010 5:15 AM

I could not see any mistake in the code that you sned me.

However, based on the Developer Tool screenshot that you attached, I noticed you are missing some js compared to the screenshot I attached earlier. For example, WebGrid_core.js and WebGrid_UI.js. Have you copy all the script in the WebGrid 7 folder to your common library virtual directory?

Posted: March 10, 2010 10:45 PM

Attached is a screenshot of the WebGrid in a WebPart on an IE browser. In the screenshot I also enable the developer tool and check if all the referenced script is correctly loaded. 

In your environment, is the script already correctly loaded or is there any HTML 404 error or HTML 403 error when you try to view the script in the Developer Tool?

Thank you for creating the new thread. The bug is reported as WorkItem #642. We will inform you if there is any update or progress regarding this issue.

Posted: March 10, 2010 10:26 PM

Here is the link the the nightly build, WebDesktop and WebUI Framework.

As with the usual nightly build, this build is intended for testing purpose only in order to verify the issue you reported has been corrected. Some issue and instability should be expected in using nightly build.

I am sorry, it seems I missed a few text node for paging under CommonText. Please try to add these paging related node in the wglang_it-IT.xml
- CommonText/PagingStatus
- CommonText/PagingLoading
- CommonText/PagingPartialGroup

You could also compare the dafault.xml and wglang_it-IT.xml to check is there is still some other missing localization beside paging.

Posted: March 10, 2010 9:37 PM

This issue has been fixed in the latest nightly build. This fix will be included in our next hotfix which is scheduled to be released in a few weeks.

You will need to use mark the WebCallOut assigned to the buttons in the table as dirty and invoke the RefreshModifiedControl function in the [Execute] click event handler

WebCallOut1.RequiresUIRefresh = True
WebCallOut2.RequiresUIRefresh = True

Posted: March 10, 2010 5:32 AM

The WGI error when using the steps describe in the whitepaper occurs because the CommonLibrary folder is not found. Please set the correct virtual directory in the SharedScriptDirectory and ScriptDirectory.

In your case (hierarchical mode and self reference), you will also need to set up the WebDesktopDirectory and image folder (LayoutSetttings.ImageSettings.Folder)

Regarding the Type mismatch error, does the issue also occurs in a non MOSS environment? Do you mind sharing a running sample so we could replicate the issue in our environment? 

Unfortunately, currently our DateTime WebInput only support Gregorian calendar. Since the "ar-SA" culture will use non-Gregorian calendar the WebInput will throw unsupported error message.  

Posted: March 9, 2010 4:25 AM

Our developer wish he could replicate the issue in our environment to analyse the issue further. If you have publish the page in the internet, perhaps you could share the URL or please send us a simple sample that could replicate the issue you are having.

The issue is caused by a bug in the WebTab not by the element style overriding the css class value. A bug report has been submitted to our developer.

In your next post, please create a new thread of your issue if the issue occurs in a different control, you could refer this thread by linking it in your new thread if you suspect that the issue is similar.

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