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Glenn Layaar Support
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You can try modifying the Maximize and Minimize behavior during WindowStateChanged event handler in the UXWindow as discussed in this thread.

In my test such issue does not occur, the UXComboBox will have the correct SelectedValue when bound properly. Attached is the test page I am using for this scenario.

Posted: December 8, 2010 11:23 PM

It seems currently there is some issue with commanding in WPF ClientUI. I have forwarded this issue to the developer for further investigation, I will inform you of any update.

Posted: December 8, 2010 10:42 PM

By default the command will be called when a new window is opened or upon invoking RearrangeWindows method in UXDesktop

Using the latest WebInput 4, I could not replicate the issue you mention. The javascript snippet you provide will correctly displayed "07-Dec-2010" in en-GB culture.

The latest WebInput 4 and WebUI Framework 3 build is 7 and 756 respectively. In order to check the latest release build please navigate to Intersoft Support Page.

Based on my discussion with the developer it seems this issue is caused by a bug. A bug report has been submitted to the developer.

Posted: December 7, 2010 10:39 PM

If you wish to apply the ArrageLayout command, the same method provided in this thread could be applied to this scenario as well. 

In such scenario, you will need to bind the CommandBindingCollection object to the element which implements the command.

In your attached sample, the element which has the minimize and close command is UXWindow so you will need to bind the CommandBindingCollectionto UXWindow. Here is the snippet:

public class SymphonyUXDesktop : UXDesktop
protected override DependencyObject GetContainerForItemOverride()
UXWindow newWindow = new UXWindow();
newWindow.IsClientVisible = true;
newWindow.CanMaximize = true;
newWindow.CanMinimize = true;
newWindow.CanMove = true;
newWindow.CanResize = true;

CommandBinding windowCloseCommandBinding = new CommandBinding(WindowCommands.Close, HandleWindowCommand, CanHandleWindowCommand);
CommandBinding windowMinimizeCommandBinding = new CommandBinding(WindowCommands.Minimize, HandleWindowCommand, CanHandleWindowCommand);

CommandBindingCollection bindingCollection = new CommandBindingCollection();


CommandManager.SetCommandBindings(newWindow, bindingCollection);

return newWindow;

private void HandleWindowCommand(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)


private void CanHandleWindowCommand(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e)
e.CanExecute = true;

Posted: December 7, 2010 10:30 PM

Do you mind providing a snippet / runnable sample for the NewRow object with "unmodified" state and for other condition when the UndoChanges fails when it is a newly added row?

AFAIK the row state will be updated correctly if it is a newly added row.

Posted: December 1, 2010 10:18 PM

Based on my test, the method runs without any issue on button click event handler.

After discussing this issue with the developer, it seems the method will always return  empty image under custom converter because in the converter state the window will not be displayed.

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