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WebCombo already have a Linked WebCombo feature that you could read in detail on the article titled "Linked WebCombo" in the WebCombo documentation. This behavior will persist even if you use the WebCombo as EditType in WebGrid.
A few linked WebCombo sample has also been provided on LinkedWebCombo_Combined.aspx, LinkedWebCombo_Multiple.aspx, and LinkedWebCombo_Single.aspx
Regarding using WebCombo as EditType in WebGrid, you could read our walkthrough titled "Walkthrough: Integrating WebCombo in WebGrid" on the WebGrid documentation.
I failed to attach the database you send. Which SQL server are you using? Do you mind sending us a SQL script for the database? This way we could avoid any version mismatch issue.
We already have some sample regarding WebScheduler data editing, such as DataEditing.aspx, which you could try the adding, editing, and deleting operation. Does the issue also occurs in the provided sample?
According to our developer the installer will only check if the folder is available however, we suspect the error could also occur if you do not have access to the Windows folder. Please try running the installer with administrator access.
Attached is a simple sample of WebGrid with programatic data bind and retrieve structure functionality. It is demonstrated that adding the field to sorted column collection after retrieve structure will sort the WebGrid data.
The data binding is performed in the InitializeDataSource server side event handler, while the retrieve structure will be performed during the PrepareDataBinding server side event handler.
A developer have another suggestion for the scenario you are facing, you could use the AddPendingRow client side event handler in order to insert the row KeyValue to the RowChange object if you wish to hide the primary key cell. However during the BatchUpdate server side event, you will need to retrieve the primary key from the KeyValue property instead of the cell since the cell is hiddden. Here is the snippet for the AddPendingRow client side event handler:
function wgTest_OnAddPendingChanges(controlId, table, rowChange){ var grid = ISGetObject(controlId); setTimeout(function() { rowChange.KeyValues = idTemp + ""; idTemp++; }, 10); }
Assuming the idTemp is the latest ID count you retrieved from the database.
The snippet to retrieve the primary key during server side event handler is, assuming the added row is in index 0 in the pending changes object:
I am using northwind.mdb employees table in order to recreate the scenario youe facing, self reference with update enabled WebGrid. However I could not replicate the paging edit issue.
Do you mind sending us a simple sample of the WebPart so we could replicate the issue? This way we could also have a clearer picture for the issue #1. Did you use other feature in the WebGrid; batch update, unbound grid? If the sample contains proprietary information, you could send them to with a reference for this thread.
The required resource and deployment in Sharepoint has already discussed in our whitepaper titled Using WebGrid.NET Enterprise 6.0 in Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2007 and Using WebGrid.NET Enterprise 6.0 as WebPart in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 which you could download in our support site under WebGrid -> White Paper section
According to our developer such error will occured if you do not have .NET framework installed. Our installer will perform a check for the .NET framewrk by checking the v2.0.50727 .NET framework folder under Windows folder, default location C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727
Do you mind sharing where does the v2.0.50727 .NET framework folder located in your machine?
We have already provide an ActivateEdit function on the cell level, you could use that function instead of ActivateEditMode on the grid level to focus on individual row. Here is a snippet for such scenario, focusing on the first cell:
function wgTest_OnRowValidate(rowElem){ var grid = ISGetObject("wgTest"); var rowObj = grid.GetRowByElement(rowElem); rowObj.GetCell(0).ActivateEdit(); return false;}
You could try using the OnEndRowEditing client side event handler in order to modify the newly added cell primary key field using the SetText and SetValue function. You will also need to be able to retrieve the latest incremental value of the primary key in the clietn side (perhaps using hidden HTML input to store the value from database). Attached is a simple demonstration of the suggestion, for this sample the incremental value is set to 10.
The primary key column must be shown in the WebGrid in order to invoke the SetText and SetValue function. If we hide it using the visible property the cell object in the OnEndRowEditing event handler will return null. As a workaround, you could set the column EditType to NoEdit as demonstrated in the sample.
We call the area Drop Zone, and in order to show the field in the drop zone you will need to fill the collection during page load server side event handler. You could determine if the grid is in charting mode by inspecting the ActionMode property. Here is the snippet for C#:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){ if (wgTest.ActionName == "Charting") { wgTest.ChartCategoryCollection.Add(new ChartPivotFilterConfig() { DataMember = "Interest" }); wgTest.ChartDataCollection.Add(new ChartPivotDataConfig() { DataMember = "ID" }); }}
In my previous snippet, I use lambda expression in order to fill the property of the ChartPivotDataConfig and ChartPivotFilterConfig property, for example:
New ChartPivotDataConfig() With {.DataMember = "ID"}New ChartPivotFilterConfig() With {.DataMember = "Interest"}
From your snippet this will be:
New ChartPivotDataConfig() With {.DataMember = "quantity", .AutoCalc = AutoCalc.Sum}New ChartPivotFilterConfig() With {.DataMember = "ubicacion"}
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