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I am very sorry, however the bug status is still active. Curently, I have no fixed date on when the fix will be available.
Unfortunately, Intersoft WebCombo has not implement such feature.
Based on what I read in your post, have you considered using WebListBox instead of WebCombo? WebListBox is one of control available in the WebEssentials.
Do you mind providing a sample of your scenario? Testing the issue in a simple scenario to show UXDialogBox object using DialogBoxServiceProvider, I could not procude any error. Here is the snippet:
Private Sub UXPage_Loaded(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles MyBase.Loaded DialogBoxServiceProvider.Show(New UXDialogBox1(), Nothing) End Sub
Thank you for the sample page. My test show during on error the loaded and the busy layer is not hidden. Here is a workaround to manually hide them:
function WebFlyPostBackManager_OnError(controlId, methodName, errorDetailString, errorDetailObject) { var PostBackManager = ISGetObject(controlId); alert("OnError!\n" + errorDetailString); PostBackManager.HideLoader() var divs = document.body.getElementsByTagName("div"); for (var i = 0; i < divs.length; i++) { if (divs[i].getAttribute("type") == "BusyLayer") { divs[i].parentElement.removeChild(divs[i]); break; } }}
Based on my research, the error could occur if the changes parameter row structure and the WebGridDataProvider table row structure does not match. You could also provide a more detailed code, the select operation and the WebGrid setting you are using, so I could analyse the issue further.
Thank you for the interest in our ClientUI product. Unfortunately, the documentation and tutorial is still being worked on by our ClientUI support members. As of this writing, I have no fixed date on the release date of the documentation and tutorial, however it should be released soon.
My test show that the issue occurs on both AllowNodeEditing set to Yes or No. This issue seems to be caused by a bug. A bug report has been submitted.
Thank you for the sample. I have successfully replicate the issue on my environment. Currently I am still discussing this issue with our developer. I will update this thread when I have more information about this issue.
Some client binding sample with web service is already provided in the WebGrid sample which you could view and analyse. These samples are:
- ClientBinding_BatchUpdate.aspx- ClientBinding_Paging.aspx- ClientBinding_VirtualGroupPaging.aspx- ClientBinding_WebService.aspx
Regarding the select parameter, you could use the Tag property in the SelectDataSourceArguments object. You will need to set the property during the selecting client side method and parse the Tag property during the select server side event. Here is the snippet:
Selecting client side event:
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function GetCustomers_Selecting(control, selectArguments) { selectArguments.Tag = "CategoryID=1;"; } </script>
Client binding settings:
<ClientBindingSettings DataSourceType="WebService" ServiceUrl="WebService.asmx"> <ServiceEvents Selecting="GetCustomers_Selecting" /> <ServiceMethods SelectMethod="GetProducts" /></ClientBindingSettings>
Select method definition:
[WebMethod]public object GetProducts(DataSourceSelectArguments selectArguments){ string selectParam = selectArguments.Tag; //Process selection}
The only way I could make it work is by using this query
var datasource = from b in context.Bugs join o in context.Owners on b.BugId equals o.BugId into tl_j from j in tl_j.DefaultIfEmpty() select new BugWithOwner { BugId = b.BugId, ChangeInLast = b.ChangeInLast, Component = b.Component, Dupe = b.Dupe, OpSys = b.OpSys, Severity = b.Severity, Summary = b.Summary, Target = b.Target, OwnerId = j == null ? -1 : j.OwnerId, OwnerName = j == null ? "--" : j.OwnerName };
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