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If the WebGrid has been successfully deployed and display the page slowly, it is unlikely to be caused by the deployment method. Do you mind elaborating on the detail of the scenario? Is a large number of data is loaded? Did you enable all the WebGrid feature?
We already provided some article to improve WebGrid performance in our blog in the article; Rich Features in Low Client Footprint, Faster than “fastest ASP.NET Grid”, and Faster than “fastest ASP.NET Grid” – Part II
I have tested the code and it runs without any issue on my environment. The issue could be caused because you are not using the latest WebGrid. Have you update your WebGrid 7 to the latest build, build 405?
Testing the scenario using a simple test page on my environment does not reproduce the same issue. In my sample, the WebCombo result box will show without overlapping the content on the left. In order to achieve the result similar to your screenshot I have to use the AdjustResultBoxLeft property. Attached is the sample page I used to test the scenario.
Have you used the latest WebDesktop 3 and WebCombo 4, build 312 and build 220 respectively?
Sorry about the late reply.
Based on my discussion with the developer, the issue has been fixed in the latest build. Have you tried updating you WebGrid and WebUI Framework control to the latest build, build 405 and build 756 respectively, by installing the WebUI 2010 R1 SP1?
You need to create a new ChartPivotFilterConfig for ChartCategoryCollection with the date format of your choice. The default DateTime column month will display the label as 2010 - Q1 - Jan. The date format will accept common ASP .Net DateTime format. Here is a snippet:
<ChartCategoryCollection> <ISWebGrid:ChartPivotFilterConfig DataMember="OrderDate" DataType="System.DateTime" DateInterval="Months" DateFormat="yyyy-MMM" /></ChartCategoryCollection>
Based on past issue, you could try setting the ResultBoxWindowType property under LayoutSettings to normal in order to resolve the issue.
If the suggestion does not work, we will need the complete HTML structure of the page in order to analyse the issue further, preferably a simple runnable sample.
Multiple column in UXComboBox could be achieved using template. You will need to modify both UXComboBox template and UXComboBoxItem template to show multiple column. My suggestion is to use Expression Blend to copy the original template in ItemContainerStyle and Style property and modify the original one. Attached is a simple UXComboBox with modified template to show multiple column.
The data is a collection of object with 3 property; ID, Desc, and Category.
I am very sorry regarding the client binding and dragg drop misinformation. Based on the issue I handled on this thread, I have recieved a confirmation that in the latest version client binding WebGrid has not supported WebGragDropExtender yet. The support is planned in the next WebGrid major version.
I have discussed this issue with the developer and he confirms that in the latest version client binding WebGrid has not supported WebDragDropExtender yet. The support is planned in the next major version of WebGrid.
Do you mind providing a simple runable sample? Using an ASP button to invoke the PerformBatchUpdate in the batch update provided sample I could not replicate the issue. I could discuss the issue further with our developer if the issue is replicable in our environment.
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