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George Brandes Member
of 4
Posted: August 31, 2009 11:05 PM


Interesting. Here's how I look at middle-ware. I follow the user spec and don't look in the box. If IS didn't put this requirement in the spec then I look at it as a bug. We don't need thousands of IS users trying to figure out all the special requirements of IS controls. Maybe, they could generate the WebGrid with a table around it?

I'm sure the next programmer that replaces me will go through the same problem again.


Posted: August 31, 2009 10:45 PM



I followed up on your suggestion and found that if i put a table right around the WebGrid with table-Lout: fixed and the width i want then i can put that into the larger table without making adjustments for every column. It's still a pain but I can live with it until IS fixes the problem. :)


Thanks again



Posted: August 31, 2009 10:05 PM


thanks but i don't have to do that with a MS grid and it's just another workaround for Intersoft code. And, i'm tired of workarounds. Also, it is hard to maintain. if i decide to change the WebGrid width I need to remember to change all the table/column widths. I like the columns to autosize.

Let's see what IS support has to say.


Posted: August 31, 2009 7:49 PM

Thanks Handy.


There is still one open issue and that is the bottom of the button is not displayed.


I can't open your wmv file.

  1. this is a test

    second line. i would expect this line to be numbered 2

    i'm using firefox. this should be numbered 3.





Yes, i know I can see the time of a post. What i want is the time of a view by IS support. If there is no view by IS Support the chance of seeing a Post I think is nil.

Posted: August 29, 2009 9:34 PM

Thanks Handy,

I followed your suggestion and still was getting strange results. in debug there would be a double click and in view browser one click.

So I rebuilt it (see attached). I also added a webButton and AJAX. I get the same reuslts with or without Ajax.

  1. Click the button in the grid and the alert is displayed but the textbox doesn't change.
  2. Click the webButton and the alert isn't displayed but the textbox changes.
  3. Note that the bottom of the webgrid button is missing.


 still having problems attaching a file. i had to change the file name.. also, if i turn on numbering and type lines then the numbering doesn't work. if i type the lines, highlight them and select numbering then it works.


Posted: August 27, 2009 6:56 PM



There was a misunderstanding.  The button is in the WebGrid. Attached is a simple sample. 

Clicking button "Hello" adds "Hello" to textbox1. Clicking "Clear" clears textbox1.

Clicking the button in the "Select" column should change textbox1 to "Button clicked event. " it doesn't on my system. That is, if textbox1 = "hello", after clicking the button in the grid textbox1 still has "hello" instead of "Button clicked event." The grid button also displays an Alert with the contents of textbox1. On my system the Alert is displayed twice.

Also, please note that the button in the grid is missing the bottom.


This sample does not use Ajax or flypostback.


btw, i tried to attach a file from a shared drive and it wouldn't work. i moved the file to my desktop and it worked.


Posted: August 27, 2009 12:40 AM

there is a global.asax.

it just a button in a column labled   "Select"

i put a break at the event and it happens twice.


Posted: August 26, 2009 11:39 PM

try it with WebFlyPostBack or AJAX and start with the grid.visible = false.

Posted: August 26, 2009 10:53 AM

Try setting the width to 0px.

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