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David De Smet Member
of 8
Posted: July 19, 2013 11:19 AM
Hi Yudi,

I'm wondering if you got time to investigate it.

Hi again,

After an hour looking for a workaround, I finally found the solution.
The Template created is buggy, replacing the code in ValidationErrorElement did the trick.

I have attached both xaml, one with filename "UXTextBoxStyle_NotWorking.xaml" contains the auto generated template, the other "UXTextBoxStyle_Working.xaml" contains the workaround.


Posted: July 9, 2013 3:11 PM
Thanks Yudi,
I'll be waiting for your reply..
Hi Handy,

Thanks for your reply.
Please, let me know if the dev team created a work item or are looking at it.

Posted: July 5, 2013 9:42 PM
Hi Yudi,

Sorry for the late reply...
I didn't open the solution but by the style name, I believe is that one (attached here).

Please take a look and let me know if that is the right one.

Hi Yudi,

Thanks for the follow up.
It would be a nice addition to be able to localize every ResourceOverride using the Intersoft Localization Manager.

Looking forward to your reply.

Thanks again,
Posted: June 27, 2013 5:48 PM

Hi Handy,

Perhaps I'm missing something, but the code I've for DialogBoxServiceProvider can't accept an argument of type UXDialog, only of type string.

Can you please share the code you used for your sample?

Btw, I'm using DialogBoxServiceProvider because I'm following MVVM pattern.


Nevermind, I found out that you need to pass the full namespace of the viewType.

Thanks again,

Hi Handy,

I already know how to do it in the way you show in the links, but I would like to do it like:

CancelText="{Binding Localization.Resource.CancelText}"

Instead of:


Obviously this doesn't work, but I'm wondering if there is another way to do it using the ObservableResouce.

Glad to know we are on the same page...
Thanks a lot for reporting to dev team, I'll be waiting for any news regarding this issue.

Have a nice day.

Hi Yudi,

That's weird... It's the same sample I'm using. I only replaced the UXRibbonDropDown for a UXRibbonSplitButton in the RibbonOverviewData.xml

Here, please take a look in the attached file.

I'm also using the latest version with the latest update, v8.0.5000.5

Do you know how I can fix it in my end?

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