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Arief Handany Member
of 20

Hi Leo,

Here's what our developer said about CROS-852, 

This issue occur because the user used the same url for both ImageView in the cell template. I think it's just because of the testing sample. In real world apps, there will be rare case to have 2 same images in one cell template.

If you change the 2nd image view to different URL, everything should be good. I'd consider this behavior as "by design" because our image loader has "redundant image loading abortion" feature for best performance.

So CROS-852 isn't a bug, its actually a feature to remove redudant images, i hope this will helps.

Best Regards,

Posted: September 10, 2015 1:53 AM

Hi Fabian,

Yes it's possible, here's what you need if you add it from blank sample:

1. Add the AppFramework.dll to both your Core and Platform

2. Install Bcl.Async in your Core

3. You may only need to add Intersoft.Crosslight.Data & Intersoft.Crosslight.Data.ComponentModel to your Core but if you are not sure here is the complete references needed in your Core

Hope this will helps!

Posted: September 7, 2015 4:42 AM

Hi Thomas,

Yes CROS-887 was on this month sprint (July-September 2015), including with CROS-893, i will poke our programmer again about those issues!

Hope this will helps!

Best Regards,

Hi Jimmy,

We successfully found the problem, here is the hotfix for CROS-894:

Hope that'll helps!

Hi Jimmy,

Could you tell me when did you call the GetSingleAsync?

from the stack trace looks like every time you change the TextBox you call the getSingleAsync is this right?

Note: I ask our developer what the "Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views." means, meanwhile i already tested the getSingleAsync however i encounter no error because i put it in Navigated.

Posted: September 1, 2015 4:20 AM

Hi Thomas,

I report this finding under-CROS-893, i will report you back regarding this issue, please do ask me if you want to ask about progress of this issue.

Hope that'll helps!

Hi Jimmy, 

Yes you need to specify your include if you have navigation properties as you can see in our documentation GetSingleAsync(Dictionary<string, object>, String[]).

The object in dictionary is your primary key.

Hope this will helps!

Posted: August 31, 2015 7:28 AM

Hi Thomas,

Just to let you know, i'm checking it right now, and will report you back with news regarding this issues.

Best Regrads,

Posted: August 28, 2015 1:34 AM

Hi Thomas,

Sorry for the corrupt file, here is the attachment:!109&authkey=!AFXdAVYbnKMsxNY&ithint=file%2czip

Yeah we are using EnsureNavigationContext and set it to true as you can see in the attachment, it force each child View Controller to be wrapped with navigation controller / navigation context (which in turn contain Navigation Bar).

I insert that method inside Tab View Controller, feel free to check it out.

Hi Jimmy,

Very sorry for late responses, CROS-858 is planned for  september including with alternate table row maybe including with other Frameworks changes.

CROS-859 is on progress and in the process of updating samples.

Hope that'll helps!

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