Update Image In ListView Cell Via DataBinding

6 replies. Last post: September 19, 2014 9:23 AM by Yudi
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Hello Crosslight Support,

I have a question about images in a list view cell. I have a simple list and I use one of the predefined templates to display a list item with an image and two texts. Initially displaying the list works fine.

The displayed image and the texts of the list items are set via data binding. In the view model of the list view I have a timer and under certain conditions I want to change some images of the list items matching these conditions. To do this I call the setter of the image property, set a new image and do a property changed, but the images don't change within the list view. Normally, after doing property change there is call of the getter of the belonging property. This is not the case.

So, isn't it possible to update the image of a list view item or am I doing something wrong.

As always, thanks for your support.


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