How to Use Crosslight v2 to Perform Wizard-Like Model Navigation

9 replies. Last post: May 20, 2014 11:55 PM by Yudi
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Hey Guys,

Congratulations on releasing Crosslight v2.0. Lots of stuffs added, and we can't wait to take advantage of the new features. Kudos!

On the other hand, did you change the behavior of modal views? Funny thing is, when we upgraded to Crosslight v2.0 libraries, the BACK buttons from the modal navigation is no longer present on wizard-like navigation. I understand we reported issues due to the Validate() funtion crashing the app when going back to the previous view after failing validation. But, going back to the previous view should still be functional if the Vaidate() funtion is succesful or no changes were made to an Item.

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